Types of Charts

The interpretation of price action and forecasting in Technical Analysis can be done by using, a number of different charts, seperately or in conjunction with one another as each has its own characteristics and advantages.


line chart - линейный график

The Line chart

The closing prices are joined to form a line chart. The latter is useful as closing prices are seen as a very important indicator of the trend. The line chart is also a clear diagram as the direction can be identified at first glance. Traditional technical techniques such as trendlines, moving averages and momentum

э: ei interpretation — толкование

э: to forecast - прогнозировать



d3A in conjunction

— совместно

0: advantage

- преимущество

to join

— соединять

э a: at 'first 'glance

— с первого взгляда

Bar Chart

- график отрезков (гистограмма)




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